Saturday, March 21, 2015

When I Came To Myself

Did you ever have fear come upon you that you couldn't shake?  Our emotions.  Sometimes they just get the best of us.  We worry and fret over things we have no control over.  So why worry if we can't do anything about it?

I've been there myself.  Most of us have had fear, even while we are believing God to take care of the things we have entrusted to Him, like ... our family.  Are you worrying over a twenty-one year old grand-daughter going to Thailand for the summer on a mission trip.  I'm fighting some fear over that. 

What could go wrong, right?  After all, only four airplanes have gone down somewhere in south east Asia.  Only four.  That's four too many.  And Thailand is in south east Asia.  So, as I am getting ready for bed one night, the enemy of my soul whispers this to me after reminding me of the airliners ... "And God just watched them fall into the ocean without doing a thing."

Yep ... once again the father of lies speaks.  It's always a lie, or at least a twisting of the truth as he plants these thoughts in my mind so I will consider thinking about his lies.  He's still doing the same thing today that he did with Eve in the garden ... he lies

When that lie doesn't work on me ... he brings up some really fearful possibilities.  He brings up all the terrorist attacks by the radical Muslim groups around the world.  And then he says ... "What about the sex slave traffickers that forcibly kidnap beautiful young women in these Asian countries.  You may never see her again." 

Okay, I've had enough ... so I turn to God's Word.

There are times when we must do battle.  This was one of those times.  Who am I going to believe ... the tempter, the evil one that Jesus made to be of no effect unto me according to Hebrews 2:14-15.  I like how the Amplified puts it best ...

"He (Jesus) partook of the same nature, that by going through death He might bring to nought and make of no effect ... the devil, that He might deliver and completely set free all those through the fear of death were held in bondage."  (edited for clarity)

Step one in fighting fear ... know that Jesus has made Satan, the father of lies to be ... "of no effect unto you."  To "bring to nought" means that Satan has been made "nothing" to you.

Declare the Word and say ... I will not be held in bondage through fear.
The Apostle Paul, speaking of virtually the same thing writes in Colossians 2:15 that Jesus ... ''having spoiled principalities and powers, made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it."

Jesus destroyed any power Satan had, therefore why allow his lies to bring fear?

When fear comes, especially imagined fear, it is from your adversary, the enemy of your soul ... but not to worry ... do what David said he did in Psalm 61:2 ... "I will cry unto the Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed ..."

When fear comes like a huge ocean wave washing over you, submerging and overwhelming your heart to the point where you feel you are drowning ... cry or call unto the Lord just as Peter did when he was fearfully sinking into the water.

The word "cry" in this Psalm suggests the idea of accosting the one being addressed by name ... "to approach and call out for help boldly."  I imagine Peter was rather vociferous as he called out with what has been called the greatest prayer ever prayed ... "Lord help."  That's my interpretation anyway.

The next thing you need to do is found in 2nd Corinthians 10:5 ... "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing (like fear) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought (including fear) to the obedience of Christ."

Fear is usually a mental imagination formed in the mind ... perceived emotionally in your soul to be a real possibility.  Satan plays a kind of ... what if ... game with us.

Cast down those imaginations and follow up with Romans 12:2 ... "Be transformed (from fear) by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Fill your mind and soul with the truth of God ... not the lies of your enemy.  By doing what these two scriptures say ... you can prove what the will of God is for you.

Paul wrote the truth about God in 2nd Timothy 1:7 ... "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind" ... which is self control over your emotions ... where the battle takes place.

You cannot worry and be fearful about something if you get in the presence of God.  If you bring your fear into His presence and see Him as He is ... you will see how big our God is and how little our imagined fears are.  You can't worry about what you were worrying about when you see that God is bigger than your fears.

So I ask ... are you going to believe God or the devil's lies

Jesus said in John 14:27 ... "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, (with fear) neither let it be afraid."

This one particular night when the devil came to me at bedtime ... I put to use the very same steps I have outlined for you.

It was almost like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:17 ... "And when he came to himself ..." as if he had been mentally off for a while.  Fear can do that to us. 

So, when I recovered or woke up out of my spiritual stupor, drama or whatever it was ... when I came to myself ... I chose to believe what Jesus said, and not my enemy.  

And yes ... the battle was real.

(Comments are welcome, and will be posted by moderator.)


Anonymous said...

A great read and very true experiences. Some battles are worth having. This is one worth taking on my dear friend and brother. It is because of the heat and intensity that the victory is so sweet. Thank You Jesus for you are worthy of our Trust. Bless You.

Unknown said...

Love it Grandpa! God's got me, no need to fear!