Thursday, March 5, 2015

They Won't Go There

 I've heard it said that it's foolishness to believe in God.

But in my simple thinking … the intellectual ones with all the scientific theories have never given me a satisfactory answer to this one question ... "How did the universe come into being if there is no God?"

For those who refuse to even look at or consider the intelligent design found in creation, my next question to them is … "Where did life come from?"

When I am told that an ameba crawled out of a swamp, I say ... really? 

Just what is an ameba anyway?  I had to look it up.  It's a … "Naked parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion."  Say what?  Are you kidding me?  These things would die before they could grow into anything else.

Go back in time as far as you want.  A million years, 500 million, 200 billion … it doesn't really matter.  If science claims that some unknown spore started life on the earth, I want them to tell me … where did that come from?  In fact, when that question was addressed by the scientific community, do you know what they said? 

"It came from some other galaxy in the universe.  It came from outer space." 

Now that's just brilliant.  With this answer, all they have done is move the problem somewhere else … they haven't answered the question.  The scientific community says … "We will follow this question of how the world began and pursue the answer ... wherever it leads us."

Except when it leads to God.  They won't go there.  Not God.  Not a creator.

Okay, let's go on further.  If this "spore or whatever" came from somewhere else in the universe, this creates another problem.  My first question.  Where did the universe come from?  Oh yes, I remember … the big bang theory.

Even if there was a big bang … wouldn't it only be a reaction from something already there.  Then the real question would be … what is the first cause that created the big bang?  Where did that material or substance come from?  It couldn't have come from outer space … because the big bang started the whole universe … right? 

So how do they solve this problem?

Science has now decided that it is possible, without anything being there … no sub-atomic particles, nothing, absolutely nothing … that a cosmic explosion happened.  From absolutely nothing.  Give me a break.  There is nothing to explode.
Nothing is the absence of something.  Nothing is just like darkness.  Darkness is only the absence of light.  Bring light into the presence of darkness and the light overcomes the darkness.  Darkness cannot overcome the light.  Why is that?  Because there's nothing there.  

So, if … "nothing" … not even a speck or a sub-atomic particle, the absence of any substance, tries to become something else, how can it?  There's nothing there.  Nothing is nothing … forever

But man seems to accept the theory that one day, out of nothing … poof … we have everything.  Wasn't that easy to believe.  Nothing becomes something.

No … it took God to make something from nothing.  That's why God is God.  It takes a being who always was and who always will be, one who had no beginning and will never cease to be.
There is no other answer.  The universe has a creator.  There is a God.

Let me say this ... if the 1st verse in the Bible isn't true ... then none of it is true.

Genesis 1:1 ... "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

It starts and ends with this position, this thought; there is a creator.  If God isn't ... then there is no hope.  

Studying the whole of creation, points the scientific community to God ...
But they won't go there

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