Thursday, September 10, 2015

From the Kingdom Mom

I read this post the other day from Karen Cooper, on her blog ... "The Kingdom Mom."

Karen has wonderfully insightful Bible studies that really say something ... not just taking up space ... like some of mine have done in the past.  This is one of those.  It is entitled ...


Jesus asked his disciples who men thought he was. While some thought him to be a teacher or a prophet, Peter declared in Matthew 16:16 ... "You are the Christ the Son of the Living God."

That’s who Jesus was and is and always will be.

We all have a name. Or something that defines us.

Who do people think you are? What names define you?

I’ve had a few throughout my life. I advanced from one stage to the next as daughter, wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.


My progression of identity was based on the family God put around me. Yet I have a greater identity than what my cherished family provides. It’s found in my relationship with Jesus Christ. He tells me who I really am.


One of the disciples of Jesus assigned himself that title. John knew Jesus loved others, but he often referred to himself as THE ONE Jesus loved.

You and I can claim that identity as well when we come to Christ.

I love the new worship song that simply describes who God is and who we are.

"You’re a Good, Good Father. THAT’S WHO YOU ARE.
And I’m loved by You. THAT’S WHO I AM."

Our good works do not define us. Nor do our failures. Being loved by Jesus is our identity. All because of what Jesus has done for us on the Cross. If we will believe and receive.

Someday we will have a new name. It’s a mystery described in the book of Revelation.

"I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it."  Rev. 2:17

Commentaries explain that a white stone represented many things. Sometimes it proclaimed a person’s innocence when brought to trial. It also provided admission to banquets. It gave the holder their identity. Proof they belonged. I love that imagery.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are proclaimed innocent. We are made white as snow when we confess Jesus as Lord of our lives.

King David prayed ... "Wash me and I will be whiter than snow."  Psalm 51:7

Our new name will be engraved on that white stone. Our identity will provide entrance into the Great Banquet. Who am I?

I am the one Jesus loves.

Who are you?

The easiest way to find Karen is on her Facebook page ...

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