Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Where Did The Different Races Come From

Where did all the different ethnicities and races come from if Adam and Eve were the original two human beings?  Wouldn't we all look more alike?

To answer these questions, we must go back in history to the first few generations of mankind.  Of course, the prerequisite needed here, is to accept the Bible as a proven, documented historical book.  All of the dates and genealogies recorded in the Bible have never been disproven, although skeptics have tried.

We need to start with the first page of the Bible ... Genesis 1:1 where it says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Our next statement of importance to us in this study is verse 10 ... "And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas."   

The earth at this time was one land mass, one big continent.  More on this in a moment.

Next, let's jump ahead about 1,800 years or so to the flood which destroyed all living creatures on land or in the air.  Sea dwelling creatures lived through the great flood.  But God provided for one family and one pair of every type creature to be saved from the flood.

At God's direction, a man named Noah built a ship (the Ark) for his family and the animals God brought to him for safe keeping during the flood.  Many people believe the remains of this ark have been photographed sticking out of a glacier on what is called Mt. Ararat, which is a long ridge of mountains in Armenia and Turkey.      

The animals at God's direction, according to Genesis 7:9 ... "went two by two into the ark, male and female."

Now how could all the different types of animals get to the ark if the earth looked like it does today?  The only explanation must be that there was only one large land mass before God separated the earth into separate continents.

Many today contend that this could be true by looking at a world map.  If you cut out all the continents and large islands from a paper map they seemingly can fit together like a big puzzle. 

In Genesis chapter 10, the generations and genealogies of Noah's sons are listed.  But one of Noah's great, great, 5th generation grand children, by the name of "Peleg" ... we need to take note of ... not for what he did, but what happened during his lifetime.

Genesis 10:25 ... "Unto Eber were born two sons; the name of one was Peleg; for in his days the earth was divided."  (Remember, God called the dry land Earth.)

The next point of importance in our quest for the truth about where the different races came from is found in Genesis 11:1-9, the story about all the people of the whole earth being of one language and purpose in their attempt to build a city with a tower so high, it would seem to reach heaven thereby giving them some kind of a name of power or fame.

The Scripture puts it this way ... "The Lord came down to see the city and the tower, and said, 'The people are one, and they all have one language, and this they begin to do?  Now nothing will be restrained from them which they imagine to do.'  So God confounded their languages so they could not understand one another's speech, and they could no longer build the city.  Therefore the name of the city is called Babel ... because there the Lord did confuse the language of the whole earth; and it was from there the Lord did scatter them upon the face of the earth."  (edited for clarity)

The Bible doesn't comment any further on this matter.  So, we are left to assume that at the same time the languages were changed, the people assembled together in their own language groups and undoubtably traveled to different areas to live on this one great land mass, before it was separated into different continents. 

There is no other reasonable explanation of how the different people groups that are now around the world developed into the different ethnicities and races we now have.  I am of the opinion that skin color, facial features, size characteristics, etc., were changed at the same time as the languages ... at least I believe the scripture alludes to this theory.

Genesis 11 continues with more of the generations and genealogies which shows us the record of when Peleg lived.  He was the fifth generation after the tower of Babel.  If we use 40 years as a generation ... then sometime during the life of Peleg ... around 200 years after Babel, the earth (dry land) was divided, as we read in Genesis 10:25.

This one huge land mass enabled all the pairs of animals to travel to Noah's ark ... also allowed the different people groups (after their languages were changed) to set up what would later become nationalities on separate area's of the earth they chose as their territory to live on.   

This one big continent ... over night or over time ... separated the people groups and the land into the world we see today.  How God did it is not important. 

This is now a fact ... the earth was divided ... not just into nationalities and governments, but into continents and islands.         

It's a fact ... Eve is the mother of all living.  Science has already proven that to be true through DNA research.  Genesis 3:20 stated this 4,000 years before science confirmed it.
"And Adam called his wife Eve; because she was the mother of all living." 

Why do I believe the Bible?  First ... because it makes sense. 

Someone once said ... "If the literal sense makes good sense, seek no other sense, lest it becomes nonsense." 

And second ... because it is a proven, documented historical book.

(Comments are welcome, and will be posted by moderator.)

1 comment:

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

I've been awol for a bit but enjoyed this post quite a bit.
The science of the bible is spot on I think. We just don't think "Dad" knows anything and like teens we think we know it all. I believe most things are answered in the bible with accuracy.