Friday, June 27, 2014


What is it and is it important?  The first thing we need to know is that "theology" in the simplest of terms has two meanings.

Most people have in their own mind some idea about who God is.  Right or wrong that belief or opinion becomes their "theology" or their particular system of religious beliefs and teachings.  They may have no true basis for what they believe, but they believe it anyway.  So the word "theology" can be used to describe what you personally believe about God.

The second meaning of theology that I am going to deal with in greater detail is simply ... the study of God.

Is theology important?  I would say yes, it's ... very important.  If your idea of God is wrong, if you have a misguided understanding of God, let's say especially in the area concerning ... "the plan of salvation" ... then you might be in trouble if you don't get it right.

"The study of God."  What an awesome privilege God has given to us as He allows us to approach Him up close and personal; close enough sometimes to hear His heartbeat or feel His breath upon us as Jesus breathes His Spirit into our personal lives.  That's what I feel like the anointing of the Holy Spirit is ... it's His breath that we feel when He gets real close to us ... sometimes even face to face.

Jesus once breathed on His disciples and said ... "Receive ye the Holy Ghost."  What would that have been like?

How do we approach Him?  One of the best ways is through what is called ... "Systematic Theology."    So what is it?

Systematic means ... "an orderly, organized or series of orderly actions, characterized by order and planning."  In other words, you do not accidentally or unknowingly wake up one day and find that you have been systematically studying the truth of God, who He is, what He does, etc.  You must purposely set out to do it.

Theology is ... "the rational study of God and the nature of religious truth."  You must set your heart and mind to seek, not just knowledge about God, but also the truth of God; things like His grandeur, purpose, and even His conduct concerning His creation ... including us.

An institution of higher learning such as a seminary or Bible college would offer many courses in theology; three examples of study would be ...

Apologetics ... the defense of Christian doctrines.

Eschatology ... concerning such final things as death, judgment, heaven, hell and the end of the world.

Hermeneutics ... the principles of critical Bible interpretation.

The true study of God concerns more than just learning big words and their meanings.  Schools of higher learning and seminaries are great places to learn about God; but the ... theology ... one finds in books is not the end of your theological education.  In fact it's only the beginning.

What we need is ... on the job training ... as we walk with the Lord daily.  We learn systematically, step by step our theology and doctrine as the Lord leads us through life, one small step at a time; sometimes with blessings and at other times with problems, some of which we don't think we can handle.  But in fact, by allowing both good and bad to come our way, God teaches us to walk and live by faith.

One of the first things we need to learn about life is that God is always in control.

Psalm 24:1 ... "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

The whole world belongs to God.  He is the Creator and keeper of the earth, and as such He has the right to do with it as He pleases; and He has an equal right to direct man in any way He so chooses.

Notice this is the same Lord in Psalm 24:1 ... that is spoken of in the preceding 23rd Psalm, where He is shown having the heart and character of a shepherd.

Through theology you begin to understand that your course in life is directed, established, and even ordered by God.

Psalm 37:23 ... "The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."

The Lord takes you one step at a time on an amazing journey as He reveals Himself to you.  Sometimes He uses a mountain top, but then again He may use the valley experience; but He always does so with love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, faithfulness, goodness and patience ... the very same things that motivated Jesus while He was on earth.  And may I add ... still does.

How can I list all the attributes of God?  The one truth I have learned through what little study I have done is this ... the size and scope of all God is and the knowledge of God to be learned ... cannot be exhausted.

But one of the most important things I have learned, not just from theology, the study of God, but honestly from just life in general is this truth ...

"There is a God ... and I'm not Him."

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