Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Concept of God

God is … Holy (Divine)Omniscient (infinitely wise)Omnipresent (being present everywhere at once)Omnipotent (having unlimited power).

These are some of the words used to describe the nature and character of God. These are attributes that make Him different and distinct from man. These words help us understand the concept of God a little better, but as we learn or gain knowledge of God from the meaning of these descriptive words, we need to point out there is a distinction between God and His attributes; what He is … is not … all together who He is. Let me explain with this example.

You may say that you have a friend who is patient, but you wouldn't say your friend is patience. Your friend is more than the sum total of his or her traits. So we must also say God is more than the sum of His attributes.

In looking at the concept of God, we need to look at the word itself …

Concept … the word means idea, possibility or theory.

Theory … a concept not yet verified … a hypothesis.

Hypothesis … an opinion based on conjecture, speculation or supposition.

I feel like I'm going around in a circle. As you can see, when talking about God, the scientific approach doesn't work. He is more than a lab experiment.

If God is Holy, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent … what does that make God? Sovereign. What's that mean? Being Sovereign speaks of … rulership, King, Head of State, the one greatest in status or power; the rightful owner who is independent and self-governing.

Okay … how does a self-governing Sovereign like God operate? He acts through what's called the Providence of God.

Providence is …

1.) The guardianship and control of all creation by God.
2.) A manifestation of God's foresightful care.

Providence can simply mean … to see beforehand and to act accordingly.

I could end this discourse by saying that God sees everything that happens in the world before it happens; that He is just an observer, an onlooker as the history of man unfolds. But there is much more to God's Providence than just watching; it includes guardianship and control with His foresightful care.

Remember, the one thing God has always wanted ever since He created man is a relationship with the crown of His creation … man.

The concept of God's relationship with man is thought of basically three ways.

1.) First is the deistic view, in which God created the world like a machine; He set all things in motion as if it were a watch with built-in secondary movements and causes of action, one movement causes a different movement each with its own effects on the natural scheme of things. Everything works automatically just as God intended when He spoke all things into existence.

This view states all God did was to set the earth's natural laws in motion like a watch or a machine and then … God steps out of the picture … and simply observes and watches everything that takes place in the world. He never intervenes; He never intrudes in man's affairs because He is only an onlooker. With this view of God, He is absolved of any blame for the catastrophes that happen in life. He leaves man to operate by the dictates of their own hearts.

2.) The next view is ethical monism which is the exact opposite of the first. This view claims that everything that happens is a direct result from the hand of God as He directs and dictates all movement, good and bad. Peace, war, sickness, accidents, weather … anything and everything, God does it all.

With this view … man has no free will … God determines everything and He actually causes everything to take place. We would then become only robots or puppets.

3.) The biblical view … if it is not a total rejection of these other two positions on God's providence, it is as close to total rejection as one can get. The historical Christian view is that God created the universe to operate in the laws of nature that He predetermined. When God created man He gave him a free will to make his own decisions … good or bad … basically it's our choice.

As with the first view, God has stepped back somewhat, just not all the way to the role of only an observer. God observes, but will intrude into the affairs of man if and when He so chooses … does He not have the authority and the right to do so? There are times when He is the cause of how things work by intervening in our lives. At other times our decisions may be the indirect result of His influence at work on our lives to bring about His sovereign will. I believe that God is sovereign over everything that happens in the world either by direct cause from His hand or the secondary causes He has already put in nature.

One last thought about the Sovereignty of God. God must be in total control of everything created … everything. That's part of being Sovereign. If there is even one molecule that is not under His control, one tiny little speck running around in God's created universe that He is not in control of … just one … then that means that God is not in total control of what He made. Do you know what that is alluding to? God is not God. If anything is outside of His authority, outside of His control … then He is no longer God over all things … and that can not be.


knotso said...

Your comment on how everything is under God's control is correct, however, it does not go far enough. Ethical monism is more the biblical view. Any other does great violence to the truth of scripture. Indeed everything is under His control and purview but if that were all then God’s role would still be very passive.
God is in complete control of every raindrop, blade of growing wheat, to every plane that slams in to a building. All of creation flows according to His plan set forth before the foundation of the world. Ethical monism does not reduce man to a mere robot. Man does not have the moral ability to choose good because, (and I am sure that you will agree) man was not wounded by the fall but rather he died. We are dead to God. We are dead to virtue and Godliness. As believers, we were once dead for we once walked in the manner of this lost world and if we were not called by His grace from the dead state that sin wrought we would be still in our sin.
This does not take away man’s freewill. To be sure we are born with a will but our will is also dead and unless we are regenerated we remain dead. The Holy Spirit is the one who quickens our will, it He who calls us (those who believe) from darkness to light. As Jesus told Nicodemus we cannot even see the kingdom of God, (much less enter in), until we are born again. We do not will ourselves to be born again for it is not by the will of man, but the will of God by which we are born from above.
I like your blog. I thank God for people who are thinkers and not mere sheepeople. Keep up the good fight and look up for your redemption draws near. Have a happy and Christ filled Easter. Yours in Christ, K

Following Him said...

Thank you for your insight and thoughts. I do welcome all sincere views about God and His Word.

Unless I receive feedback I never know just how many of my brothers and sisters read the stuff God lays on my heart.

So, blessings to you Knotso.

Debbie (Sis) said...

I agree with "Following Him": I do NOT believe that God directs EVERYTHING GOOD AND BAD --- not entirely. Let me explain.

I came to a knowledge and relationship with Christ but then shortly thereafter began living in sin again. I know that I had accepted Christ. I know what was in my heart when I said the prayer of salvation and I know that I truly wanted to live a life worhty of the calling.

I also know that God knew full well at the point in time that it wouldn't take me long to delve right back into my sin BUT did He direct me into my sin --- I THINK NOT. It is not in God's being/nature and so it is not so.

Did He know that the enemy would be knocking on my door and that I would let him in. Sure He did. He knows all things. Did He allow the enemy to do this as He did with Job. Of course He did. BUT ALL IN ALL HE DID NOT DIRECT ME INTO SIN --- I HAD MY WILL AND HE ALLOWED ME TO CHOOSE THE WRONG PATH.

I do agree with "Knotso" in that "man does not have the moral ability to choose good because..." and I know that "Following Him" most likely agrees with that also since I know him so well.

Isn't it wonderful that we will in a time and place that we can all share our views without fear of persecution.

Thank you "Knotso" and "Following Him" for walking the Path that God has set before you. Keep loving Him and spreading His word.